how to write a book proposal

Pitching a Digital Project to Scholarly Publishers

I often hear from authors wondering how to pitch their digital research. This post includes some opportunities for digital publication at university presses.

Sample Chapters — What Publishers Really Want

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about when to send sample chapters with a book proposal, which sample chapters to send, and how long they should be. This post also covers how to revise journals articles for inclusion in a scholarly book.

How to Land a Publisher for Your Interdisciplinary Book

It can be difficult to figure out how to find the right publisher for a scholarly book that traverses multiple fields or disciplines. This post includes answers to some of the most common questions I receive about pitching and writing book proposals for interdisciplinary books.

The Essential Building Blocks of an Academic Book Proposal

Do you know what the essential building blocks of a scholarly book proposal are and why they’re there? Here is a quick guide to the key components with explanations of their functions and intended audiences.