Writing & Revising Your Book

Book Acknowledgments: 10 Tips for Authors

What are you supposed to put in your book acknowledgments? Are there certain people you’re required to thank? Is there anything you shouldn’t say? This post has ten things you should know about writing acknowledgments for your scholarly book.

10 Problems with Scholarly Book Manuscripts (and How to Fix Them)

This post includes a list of the top 10 most common problems I’ve encountered in scholarly book manuscripts along with suggestions for addressing them. Feel free to use these items as a checklist for revising your own draft for publication.

How to Publish a Book from Your Dissertation

Publishing a book based on your dissertation can be a great way to revisit your research and produce the piece of writing you most want to share with the world. My free webinar demystifies the process of turning dissertations into book manuscripts that appeal to both publishers and readers.

Should You Revise Your Dissertation or Start Over for Your First Book?

Many first-time scholarly authors struggle to decide whether to revise their dissertation for publication as a book or start an entirely new book project. This post offers some considerations for making the decision that is right for you.

Setting Goals and Targeting the Right Publishers for Your Scholarly Book

Success as a scholarly author means different things to everyone. Understanding your goals for your scholarly book is key to achieving your definition of success and to evaluating publishers in terms of their ability to help you reach your goals.

A Recommended Reading List for Academic Book Authors

Here’s a quick guide to my favorite books about books, writing, and scholarly publishing. Includes recommended reading on how to revise your dissertation before publishing it as a book.

Pep Talks for Nervous Academic Authors

The academic book publishing process can feel daunting and mysterious. It’s ok to feel nervous about it. Here are some helpful thoughts to ease your nerves and keep in mind after you submit your book proposal or book manuscript to scholarly publishers.

6 Things You Should Do After Finishing Your Dissertation Before You Turn It Into a Book

Revising your dissertation into a book manuscript right after graduation might not be the best idea. Here are some tips on what to do post-defense that will help you write a strong book manuscript.

How One Author Revised Her Dissertation into an Academic Book

What does it take to turn your dissertation into a book manuscript? Where do you find support? The author of Fighting Visibility shares her experience as a first-time author and how she got her academic book published.

Where Does Your Time Go?

How do you spend your working hours? Here are some tips how to use time tracking and categorizing to organize your tasks and become more aware of your patterns. These methods will be helpful for academics, freelancers, and others who have a lot to do but little mandated structure for their work activities.

How Long Should Your Book and Its chapters Be?

Do you know how long your book manuscript and chapters should be? Like so many aspects of scholarly publishing, there is not one correct answer, but there are some concrete guidelines to follow. Here are some suggestions for revising your academic book manuscript.

How to Write an Introduction for an Academic Book

Introductions are never easy. You might find yourself having to totally rewrite your introduction after you finish your academic book manuscript. Or you might be starting from scratch on a new project. Use this outline if your current draft isn’t working or you have no idea where to start.