If you like listening to podcasts, check out these episodes where I talk about academic developmental editing, book proposals, and general information about publishing for first-time scholarly authors.
What to Do If Your Book Gets Scooped
What your publisher wishes you knew about book promotion
Book Acknowledgments: 10 Tips for Authors
10 Steps to an Effective Book Proposal
Should You Publish Your Book in a Series?
How Not to Burn Bridges with Publishers
How to Come Up with Comparable Works for Your Academic Book Proposal
It can be difficult to understand what publishers mean when they ask for “comps” or “comparable and competing titles” in their book proposal guidelines. This guide demystifies this part of the book proposal process and offers some tips on how to effectively position your book in relation to other titles.
What Happens If You Miss a Publishing Deadline?
Setting Goals and Targeting the Right Publishers for Your Scholarly Book
How to Write Chapter Summaries for Your Book Proposal
Navigating Academic Publishing as an Author of Color
Racism and inequity are real problems in scholarly book publishing. This post discusses some of the common issues that racially minoritized scholars face when navigating the publishing process and offers some tips on how to find an editor and publisher who will treat you and your scholarship with respect.
Demystifying Author Platform (Don't worry, you probably already have one)
Academic authors can benefit from a robust author platform when pitching their books to publishers and later to readers. But what does author platform mean? Is it all about social media followers? Here are some ways to improve your reach as an academic author and gain confidence about what you’ve already done to promote your work.